Pterygium Surgery by Dr. Badawi, a Chicago Eye Doctor Specializing in pterygium (carnosidad) treatment and surgery
A pterygium is a fleshy thickening that grows from the outer coating
of the eye, the conjunctiva, on to the cornea. Often, the pterygium
becomes irritated, inflamed, and red. Eventually, it is possible for the
pterygium to grow over the cornea, and cause vision to worsen. Dr.
David Badawi is a cornea specialist trained to surgically treat
pterygium using advanced surgical techniques. Such techniques include
pterygium surgery done with no-stitches by employing tissue glues,
amniotic membrane transplantation, conjunctival autografting, and other
procedures. Dr. Badawi, an Arlington Heights eye doctor, will choose the
procedure that he feels is best for each individual patient. Do not
hesitate to contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr.
Badawi for pterygium care or your general eye care.
To contact us, you may call us at 224-735-2016.
Pinguecula and pterygium are two types of eye growths that are found on the surface of the white part of the eye. These two "bumps" on the eye are commonly confused. Both are benign, but in extreme cases, pterygium growths can cover the cornea and interfere with vision.
What are pinguecula and pterygium?
The most common bump found on the eye is the fleshy, slightly raised pinguecula growth. Pingueculae may be whitish, yellow, or slightly gray in color. They grow on the mucus membrane that lines the eyeball and eyelids and are usually found in the white space of the eye closest to the nose.
The less common type of eye bump is the pterygium growth. These are wing-shaped growths on the white part of the eye that also extend to the surface of the cornea. Typically, pterygium growths pose more of a serious cosmetic concern than pinguecula growths.
Symptoms of pinguecula and pterygium
Pinguecula and pterygium growths are non-cancerous and cause few symptoms other than cosmetic concerns. When these growths become irritated, they can swell and produce the sensation of something stuck in the eye. Because pterygium growths can eventually cover the cornea, there is a slight risk that the cornea can become distorted or stretched, causing astigmatism.
Causes of pinguecula and pterygium
The exact cause of pinguecula and pterygium eye growths is unknown. Exposure to UV light and eye irritation both seem to play a role in the development of these eye growths. People who spend a lot of time in the sun and warm, windy climates have a higher risk of developing pinguecula and pterygium eye growths.
Treatment of pinguecula and pterygium
Pinguecula and pterygium eye growths generally do not require treatment. Some of the irritation and swelling associated with these growths can be managed with eye drops.
People with pinguecula and pterygium eye growths should make sure to wear sunglasses when outside to help prevent further irritation of the eyes. In situations where these growths become extremely large or start to interfere with vision, it may be necessary to surgically remove them.