Ocular Hypertension

Ocular hypertension refers to eye pressure that is elevated above the range that is considered normal. This condition does not cause any noticeable changes in vision or damage to the eyes, but it does increase the risk of developing glaucoma.

What is ocular hypertension

Ocular hypertension is a term that is used to describe elevated intraocular eye pressure. It is not glaucoma, although in most cases people with glaucoma do have high intraocular eye pressure. The difference between the two conditions is that the buildup of pressure associated with glaucoma can actually damage the retina and lead to vision loss. Ocular hypertension on its own does not cause any damage to the eye. It is a condition that should be monitored carefully, as it can lead to glaucoma over time.

Symptoms of ocular hypertension

There are no outward signs or symptoms associated with ocular hypertension. Fortunately, it is easily diagnosed with a standard eye exam. People over the age of 40 are at a higher risk of developing ocular hypertension and should see an eye doctor regularly for check-ups.

Causes of ocular hypertension

Ocular hypertension is most common in people over the age of 40. Other risk factors include: 

  • Diabetes 
  • High levels of nearsightedness 
  • Family history of glaucoma 
  • Taking certain types of medications

Treatment of ocular hypertension

Ocular hypertension is not harmful in itself, but it should be monitored to ensure that it does not lead to glaucoma. There are eye drops available that can lower intraocular pressure, but there is no cure for ocular hypertension.

Most eye care professionals will recommend periodic check-ups to monitor ocular hypertension.


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